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homework helpline week ended 2-6-09

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – Introduce the latest elements of the latest version of power point. Start in class activities in pp 8-10 then topical pp at end of week.

ADVANCED APPLICATIONS - Present power point as we review and update the latest version of power point. Start class jobs as assigned 6-15

DOCUMENT PROCESSING- Get papers completed signed and returned to Mrs. Kolva. Test on c-d on Monday & E-I on Friday. We are introducing the keyboard this week. Students will have shortened periods due to 4 sight testing on Tuesday. Microtype software package will be explained, and procedures for logging on and tracking progress will be discussed. 3 minute time writing this week.

Till the end of January

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – Introduce the latest elements of the latest version of power point. Start in class activities in pp

ADVANCED APPLICATIONS- Research computer occupation for job, educational requirements, salary and best local for the job. Present it in power point as we review and update the latest version of power point. Start class jobs as assigned

DOCUMENT PROCESSING- Get papers completed signed and returned to Mrs. Kolva. Test on A-B and we are introducing the keyboard this week. Students will have shortened periods due to 4 sight testing.

New Semester Clean Slate Week ended Jan 23 09

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – Introduction to components of powerpoint thru personal pp about their birthday. Introduce the latest elements of the latest version of power point. Start in class activities in power point

ADVANCED APPLICATIONS- Research computer occupation for job, educational requirements, salary and best local for the job. Present it in power point as we review and update the latest version of power point.

DOCUMENT PROCESSING- Get papers completed signed and returned to Mrs. Kolva

Week ended Jan 16 08

Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Helpline

Week of January 16th, 2009 Pennsylvania Farm Show Week

COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – Study for Tuesdays Exams

ADVANCED APPLICATIONS. Study for Tuesdays Exams
DOCUMENT PROCESSING- Study for Tuesdays Exams