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Week ended 12-20-13 Merry Christmas

Homework Helpline week ended 12-20-13

Geo 7


For Tuesday Asian quiz 37-47

Wednesday Test on weather and climate   

Computer Applications 8

Students working on Christmas Handout utilizing shapes



Week ended 12-13-13

Watch out for Friday the 13th and Prepare for the Holidays.

Homework Helpline week ended 12-13-13

Geo 7


Monday   Asian quiz 13-24,  Water presentations in class

Thursday- Study for Asian quiz 25-36


Computer Applications 8

Students working on computer fair logo  



Week ended 12-6-13

Homework Helpline week ended 12-6-13

Geo 7



Thursday-                       Watch the sound of music  report on the locations of the screen play


Computer Applications 8

Keep current  



Week Ended November 27, 2013 Thanksgiving Holiday

The week of Thanksgiving we Will all be greatful for the holiday with friends and family.

Geography 7
Students will work on their landform projects on Monday and Tuesday.  They are due on the 26th but if you anticipate an absence.

Wednesday you can be thankful for a makeup day.  1/2 Thanksgiving Holiday

Computer Applications 8-
Students will work on a webquest finding answers via the computer.  The rest of the period they may be thankful for time to make up any unfinished work. 

Enjoy your holiday
Mrs. Kolva

Week ended 11-15-13

Homework Helpline week ended 11-15-13

Geo 7



Tuesday-               Students will finish up group projects today     


Wednesday-  Review of middle east map quiz next Tuesday



Thursday-  Finish Landform worksheets not completed                  


Friday-       Terms Review      


Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects for this week  if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.



Week Ended 11-8-13

Homework Helpline week ended 11-8-13

Geo 7


Monday-               The Earth in space will be introduced thru video clips and pp

Tuesday-              Complete work on Earth & space including a handout


Wednesday-         Movie on Volcanos


Thursday-                       Natural Disaster Group work .  Study for the remainder of Europe Quiz




Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects each week if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.



Week ended 10-25-13

Homework Helpline week ended 10-25-13

Geo 7


Monday-              Study for Test on Five themes of Geography sheet.   Review sheet completed in class today.  Quiz on locations 25-36 of Europe tomorrow.


Tuesday-                         Quiz and test today reading of section 1 chpt 1.


Wednesday-          Students will complete any worksheets not already completed.


Thursday-            Study for quiz on Europe  37 -48 for Friday


Friday-                 Quiz on 37-48 Europe is complete.  Solar system was introduced today.   


Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects each week if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.


This week we will construct a floor plan with audio shapes for the business.  Design a bedroom design, Halloween placemat and make up day on Friday.  This will be the final makeup time of the marking period

Week ended Oct 11th 2013

Homework Helpline week ended 10-11-13

Geo 7


Monday-        No Homework This week.   Students will be working in groups

Utilize the country of  Ecuador to examine the elements of five themes of Geography  this week.





Thursday-  Study for quiz on Europe   




Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects each week if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.

week ended October 4

Enjoy the Fall Weather

Homework Helpline week ended 10-4-13

Geo 7


Monday-  Work on project


Tuesday- Work on Project


Wednesday-  Study for back to Basics Test, work on project


  Thursday-  Study for quiz on South America                     


Week ended 9-27-13

Homework Helpline week ended 9-27-13

Geo 7


Monday-  No homework enjoy the fair.


Tuesday- Finish the yellow sheet (Distance Family Vacation)  if needed

Warm up in the Caribbean- Unscramble the countries and properly label them as review due Wednesday.   Answer Homework ticket to select groups for tomorrows activity.


Wednesday- Review the utilization of scales sheets yellow and green.  We will start the charts and graphs project today and complete it on Thursday.


Thursday-  Study for quiz                    


Week ended 9-20-13

Geography 7  Wednesday quiz on map types. 
Friday Quiz on South America.  This week latitude and longitude lines, locations and Tuesday is constitution day  and we will watch a video and complete a worksheet.  Any worksheets not finished in class but started should be completed for homework

Computer Apps Blue & Green-  Students will finish up with the tables from the prior week and turn them in.  Folders and files should be made and students will utilize edmodo to turn in documents.  We will introduce via smart board the software Technoentreprenurship we are utilizing this semester via the S (Shared) Drive.  Students may come into the lab before or afterschool to make up work with the permission of Mrs. Kolva and parents.
Have a great week!

Week Ended 9-13-13

Homework this week
Computer Applications- students may work on any assignment but none are required for homework
We started our software this week and made students accounts and folders.
Geography7-  We will continue to label, discuss, locate and color the maps in our map packet.
Quiz 1 is on Friday with the world map.  Please study and review these....  Have a wonderful week.
Remember 9-11

Week ended 9-6-13

Welcome back!
Computer Apps 8----- Continue with the antibullying lesson and turn in the first 5 x 5 this week

Geography 7------  I will guide students thru the first map of the packet demonstrating the coloring and labelling which will be graded.  Students will then work each day on a different map.

Remember Back to School Night on Wednesday.

Welcome Back to Another School Year 2013 - 2014

This Year I am again Supervising Alep periods 2-4 and 7.
Period 1 is my prep period
Period 5 I am teaching Computer Applications 8th grade in room 560
Period 6  Geography for Seventh Graders in room 980.

This first week of school students are responsible for handing all papers back signed by Tuesday and  Geography 7 students also need to have books covered and colored pencils by Tuesday

I Can't Wait for another interesting year here at North Schuykill.  Can you?

Week Ended May 24th 2013

Kolva's Homework Helpline

This week is Mr. Phillips last week with us. 

We will start problems on Monday as part of the practical part of the final exam.  The Final will be on the 23rd.

Automated accounting will be working independently on quickbooks software.
Accounting one will work on the mini packet as time allows.

Week Ended 5-17-13

Kolvas Homework Helpline

This week we have keystones and a few field trips so students will be out of Class.   There will be no homework. 
Accounting 2 on Tuesday we will review for finals which are scheduled May 23rd.    Otherwise student working on quickbooks independently.

Week Ended 5-10-13

Accounting 1- Review for final exam of the 3rd qtr chapters.  Then continued work on Chpt 18.

Accoounting 2- No homework  continued work on quickbooks software,

Final Exam is on May 23

Week Ended May3, 2012

Mrs. Kolva's Homework Helpline.

This week  Accounting 1 will work on Chpt 18 ten column Worksheets.  This is a timely process so there will be no homework this week.

Automated Accounting -  Review of test chpt 27 then introduction to quickbooks software which will be self paced till the end of the year. 

Week ended 4/26/13

Welcome Students to Mrs. Kolva's Homework Helpline!


Automated Accounting Will finish a test this week.  Then work on Quickbooks at their own pace.  Vocabulary for final chapter is the only homework due on Monday.

Accounting 1-  Student will complete the inclass and online assignments to the chapter that they are on.  No homework .

Week Ended 4-12-13

Kolva's Homework Helpline 4-12-13

Accounting 1- Chapter 17  special journals   student works at her own pace.  Assessment on Thursday

Classroom relocated to the library on Tuesday due to testing.

Accounting 2- Chapter 25 Inventory valuation test on Monday.  Introduced quickbooks software and work thru tutorials this week .

Week Ended 4-5-13

Accounting two will finish an assessment and start the quickbooks tutorial.

Accounting 1 will review the assessment and Start the next chapter today.  Working at their own pace.

Thanks have a nice Springy Week!

Week Ended 3-22-13

Last full week of school for this month and next week starts a new Marking Period.  My students worked awesomely this semester!

Expect the Apple!

This week  Accounting one:  Chapter 15 purchasising and payments for a corporation.  Student is working at her own pace.  The test will be either Friday or Monday of the next week.  Final test of the marking period. 

Accounting Two:  Test on chpt 23 on Monday if not last week.  Start chpt 25 on Inventory.  This class is at his own pace as well.  Each day we will go over:  Actual Business application, online interactive activities, Advantages and disadvanteges of perpetual and periodic inventory.  Calculation of the four inventory costing methods, and two  new accounting principles.

Week Ended 3-15-13

Happy St. Pattys Day.
This week we will work on Accounting for a Merchandising Business Sales and Accounts Receivable and I will introduce students to the software Quickbooks.
Acct - Quick book introduction and continue with chapter 23 plant assets.

Weekended 3-8

Finish up commentary and work on worksheets for homework,

Week ended 3-1-13

Continued work on poll results and conclusions on excel and written conclusion.  SEE Last weeks Ruberics on Homework Helpliune

Friday we will start research on 2 businesses with ethical issues via an online article.  Students will reproduce these and write a one page commentary on them.  This will be finished up next week with Monday being an online class to complete any research neccessary.

Week Ended 2-22-13

Mrs. Kolva's homework helpline

Presidents Day no school on Monday.

Students will be working on chpt 29 and the projects associated with it.


v Present rubric and the five ethical principles of accountants’ terms.

v Define these terms with your own definitions that others will understand based on business operations.

v Construct a poster with the terms and definitions.

v In class activity 25 points for work ethic.


v Present rubric for the poll.

v Create the 5 questions for the poll based on the poster and create a handout.

v Get the handout authorized by administration. (35 pts)

v Conduct a poll of 20 people. (50pts)

o   Ten students (peers)

o    ten adults ( teachers, professionals , parents)

v Create a graph with your findings for each question on excel. (100 pts)

v Construct a one page conclusion based on your findings.( 15 pts)


v As a Conclusion to the unit students will research online and compare two articles from a business magazine.  (25 pts)
Examine the ethical issues and scandals relating to the articles in a one page commentary

Week ended 2-15-13

Kolva's Homework helpline we 2-15-13 short week.
  • Students will be finishing up their current units and taking assessments on them on Tuesday.  They will then construct a poster of the accounting ethics terminology.

  • Students will use this poster and a questionaire to poll 20 individuals.  They will then document their findings in Excel.

Week ended Feb 8 2013

  • Accounting One-  will finish Simulation packet on Tutoring company and complete an audit test based on the numbers derived.
  • Accounting Two-   Cash funding establishment and reconciliations, petty cash transactions and documentation discussed this week.  Assessment on Friday during study hall.

Week ended Feb 1 2013

Mrs Kolva's Helpline

Can you believe it is already February?

Accounting 1 -  Test on Payroll on Monday then start Mini Packet 2 which will be due next Monday.  Tuesday- Friday spent working on this simulation packet in class and finish as home for Monday if need be.

Accounting 2- Test on chapter 21 characteristics of a publicly held company. 
Petty Cash, change funds discussed this week.  Acct entries to establish, record and replunish these funds will be journalized.

Week ended 1-25-13

Students will be working on unit 11 and unit 21 and working at their own pace on the problems assigned via the computer.

Week Ended Jan. 18 2012

It is Mid January already
Mrs Kolva's Homework Helpline w/e Jan 18, 2012
Exams Monday  half day Tuesday full day. 
Tuesday finish up independent topics for the semester. Finish simulations on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Thursday state new chapter for Acct 2.  Eleventh graders have Literature tests.
Friday Preview the next unit.  1st day of 3rd Marking Period.

Week Ended January 11th 2013

Homework helpline

No homework

Acct 1- Test chpt 11 Tues
              Review for exam on Wed.
              Final exam on Friday

Accounting 2- Finish appendix work on Monday
                         Review for exam on Tuesday
                         Wednesday t/f and multichoice part of exam
                          Friday-  Problem portion of the exam.

2013 Is here

Mrs Kolva's Homework Helpline
Jan 2-4, 2013

Accounting two will be working on appendixs c-e.

Accounting One- Cash controls and banking activities this week.