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Week Ended 3-22-13

Last full week of school for this month and next week starts a new Marking Period.  My students worked awesomely this semester!

Expect the Apple!

This week  Accounting one:  Chapter 15 purchasising and payments for a corporation.  Student is working at her own pace.  The test will be either Friday or Monday of the next week.  Final test of the marking period. 

Accounting Two:  Test on chpt 23 on Monday if not last week.  Start chpt 25 on Inventory.  This class is at his own pace as well.  Each day we will go over:  Actual Business application, online interactive activities, Advantages and disadvanteges of perpetual and periodic inventory.  Calculation of the four inventory costing methods, and two  new accounting principles.

Week Ended 3-15-13

Happy St. Pattys Day.
This week we will work on Accounting for a Merchandising Business Sales and Accounts Receivable and I will introduce students to the software Quickbooks.
Acct - Quick book introduction and continue with chapter 23 plant assets.

Weekended 3-8

Finish up commentary and work on worksheets for homework,