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Week ended 10-25-13

Homework Helpline week ended 10-25-13

Geo 7


Monday-              Study for Test on Five themes of Geography sheet.   Review sheet completed in class today.  Quiz on locations 25-36 of Europe tomorrow.


Tuesday-                         Quiz and test today reading of section 1 chpt 1.


Wednesday-          Students will complete any worksheets not already completed.


Thursday-            Study for quiz on Europe  37 -48 for Friday


Friday-                 Quiz on 37-48 Europe is complete.  Solar system was introduced today.   


Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects each week if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.


This week we will construct a floor plan with audio shapes for the business.  Design a bedroom design, Halloween placemat and make up day on Friday.  This will be the final makeup time of the marking period

Week ended Oct 11th 2013

Homework Helpline week ended 10-11-13

Geo 7


Monday-        No Homework This week.   Students will be working in groups

Utilize the country of  Ecuador to examine the elements of five themes of Geography  this week.





Thursday-  Study for quiz on Europe   




Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects each week if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.