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Week ended 10-31-14

Homework Helpline   week ended 10-31-14

No homework this week.

Consumer Economics- New students return classroom expectations and rules.  Start your poster

Finish work for end of marking period and complete webquest and Halloween activities as assigned.

Week ended 10-24-14

Week ended 10-24-14
Homework Helpline

Computer applications-  Students will be quizzed on the construction of block letters, Turn in a block letter and construct a newsletter for their company.

Doc Proc.-  Quiz on block letter parts, typing posture and introduction to webquests

Consumer Economics-  Quiz on Vocab and Savings this week.  New class rotation for Oct 28.

Week ended 10-17-14

Week ended  10-17-2014
Homework Helpline

Since this is a short week we will have no homework this week.

Consumer Economics- Working on identifying the difference between savings and investing.


Homework Helpline week ended 10-10-14


Computer Apps 8


No Homework this week students will continue to work on excel packet graphing earnings


Consumer Economics

We will work on banking, checks and endorsements this week. 



Document Processing

No homework.  Finish up techno biz then go over the construction of a business letter and typing addresses.