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Nov 26th 2014 week

Enjoy the food family & friends.

Doc Processing- Finish up Peer review of report.  Finishing up the software packet for Biz Report

Computer Apps 8-  Finished up Post Card construction in Publisher and turned into Edmodo.  After the holidays we will start working on our environmental reports in Techno Environment.

Consumer Economics-  Finished up purchasing from sales circulars and entering the information into excel to determine the budget needed to serve Thanksgiving Dinner.  We will be going into Budgets after the Holidays.  

Weekend 11-21-14

Weekended 11-21-14

Students will work on reports in Document Processing this week.

Computer Apps 8-  Students will be introduced to publisher thru a demonstration then they will create a post card.

Consumer Economics-   Test on Friday.  Ongoing budget assignment.due on Tuesday of the next week based on students expenditures and income.  We will work on completing payroll calculations and check stubs.

11-13-14 weekended

Document Processing -Students have no homework but will work on the food chain and proofreading for this week.

Computer Apps 8-  Students will work on completing the Past Predicts the future power points or webquests

Consumer Economics-  Students will work on a spelling quiz for numbers , understanding payroll, net and gross pay calculations.

Week ended 11-7-14

Happy Fall Folks weekended 11-7-14 Brings first full week of second semester.

Document Processing will continue to work on the home row this week and start the TechnoReport software.  No homework.

Computer Applications 8  Students will work on Power Points Past Predicts the future and Assorted assignments for 7th period.

Consumer Economics-  Graffiti Poster is due Tuesday .  This week we will investigate the rental market for appts.  Thurs and Friday we will go to the library to research apts in other areas and interest rates.