Welcome Back & Great Game Spartans!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be a four day week so I will be seeing Doc Processing two times each this week....
We usually will not have homework but students are always welcome to practice the letters we are on or take a remedial purple sheet out of my room.
Computer Applications periods 1 & 4
Computer Ethic 5x5 due on Tuesday. Students will discuss these papers on Tues & Wed.
Test on terms on Wednesday, Word commands are reviewed this week thru activities 1-5.
Advanced Computer Applications period 4
Students will bring in newspaper articles which they will summarize as a 5 x 5.
Students will make their own newspaper by utilizing and reviewing columns, tabs and margin. They will read the other articles per each students to see who creates the best paper and how different the same information can look. Students will continue reviewing word concepts by utilizing a number of jobs.
Document Processing
Students will return papers, review typing positions and complete lesson 1 &2. Students will all update their blog files, learn to make files, folders and clean up their h drives.
Next week 4 sights and 5x5