Mrs Kolva’s Back
Thanks for your patience during my recent hospitalization and absence. I will get students grades updated as soon as possible.
PSSA SCHEDULE THIS WEEK- end of marking period.
DOCUMENT PROCESSING- We will review the construction and elements of a business letter. Students will practice this technique by preparing a number of letters. Next week they will be tested on this.
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS - Review of software Paint and analyze how it can be used with other software. Introduction of Microsoft Access Data Base software. Students will bring in a baby picture to scan. Students will learn the techniques of scanning.
ADVANCED COMPUTER APPLICATIONS –Students will be introduced to Adobe Photo shop and will work on tutorials. Students will bring in a picture to be scanned. Students will learn the techniques of scanning.
ADVANCED COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TWO- Todd will introduce call outs as a technique of word to Document Processing Students. He will demonstrate using the smartboard. He will continue documents in publisher.