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December is Upon Us.

Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 12-2-11

Keyboarding- Students will be working on typing time software reviewing home row keys and new keys. We will again do a 5 minute time writing and practice 1 minute one this week. Students are encouraged to practice typing. This week I am collecting lessons 10-14 both in the book and in typing time for grades. Be ready for a bell ringer. The lowest bell ringer for the marking period will be dropped. Lesson 10-14 in the software and lessons will be due on November 28th students are encouraged as always to use Mondays after school as a make day.

Consumer Economics- working on Budgets and spending. Student will finish construction of individual Budgets on excel . We will work on a balance sheet and other related budget & math worksheets to review the materials. Test will be on Wednesday or Thursday.

Advanced Apps 2 & 3 –No Homework