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November Already

Homework for 10-31 thru 11-4
Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 11-4-11

Keyboarding- Students will be working on typing time software reviewing homerow keys and new keys are added in the book they will complete lesson 11 & 12 and typing time.

Consumer Economics- worksheets for chapter 11 then new marking period introduction to consumer economics

Advanced Apps 2 & 3 –Starting Chapter 3 intro to expenses & revenues in Accounting . We will do activities together and I will assign problems to finish this week.

week ended 10-28-11

1st Marking Period will be over next week. Seats will change......

Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 10-28-11

Keyboarding- Students will be working on typing time software reviewing homerow keys and new keys are added in the book they will complete lesson 9,10 and typing time.

Consumer Economics- working on segments 11.3,4,5 Test on chpt 11 segs 1-3 on Tuesday or Wednesday the rest of the chapter will be tested on Friday

Advanced Apps 2 & 3 –Starting Chapter 3 Accounting terms and reading chpt. We will do activities together and I will assign problems to finish this week. Assessment on Chpt 2 on Tuesday.


Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 10-21-11

Keyboarding- Students will be working on typing time software reviewing homerow keys and new keys are added in the book they will complete lesson 7,8 and typing time.

Consumer Economics- working on Stock investments chart and its values. Test on chpt 13 on Tues.

Advanced Apps 2 & 3 –No Homework

week ended 10-14-11

What Were Columbus's 3 ships????????????????????

Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 10-14-11

Keyboarding- Students will be working on typing time software reviewing homerow keys and space bar in the book they will complete lesson 6 and typing time.

Consumer Economics- Working on investments unit nightly complete worksheets we start in class. Test on chpt. 13 on Friday

Advanced Apps 2 & 3 –No Homework