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week ended 2-3-12

February already!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 02-03-11

Keyboarding- No formal Practice keying your favorite lyrics.

Consumer Economics Test on Tuesday unit 8 . segment work assigned Monday, library time Monday and Wednesday.

week ended 1-27-11

Keyboarding - We will be finishing lessons 21 & 22, Skill Builder 1. Students will be turning in 21 & 22 for a grade ( receiving extra credit for a second time of typing the lesson) Typing Time students will work on Numeric key pad so that they can keep track of the 2 different types of lessons.

Consumer Ec- Turn in 5 x 5 work on chapter 8.1, 2, & 3 this week no homework. Cover the books.

Weekended 1-20-11

Mid terms are over and we are half way thru on Wednesday

Mrs. Kolva’s Homework Blog for Week ended 01-20-11

Keyboarding- No formal Practice keying your favorite lyrics.

Consumer Economics- New Marking period ******* cover the book and complete the paperwork sent home.

Week Ended 1-13-12

Consumer Ed. We will finish chapter 11 then test on it the next week. No class Wed- Fri due to mid terms.

Keyboarding- Students are working on make up work. During mid term exams they will take their Reading exams during that time slot..... Continue working on typing time software on class link. Regular lessons available for makeup on purple copies in my room.

Welcome to 2012

Week ended 1-6-12

Consumer Economics- Finish up stock chpt. Test on chapter 13and then we will start the final chapter 11 on credit. The test on this chapter is the last one and will be completed during the exam period.

Keyboarding- Lessons in the book up to 20 and in typing time up to 20 Makeups always on Monday.