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Week Ended May3, 2012

Mrs. Kolva's Homework Helpline.

This week  Accounting 1 will work on Chpt 18 ten column Worksheets.  This is a timely process so there will be no homework this week.

Automated Accounting -  Review of test chpt 27 then introduction to quickbooks software which will be self paced till the end of the year. 

Week ended 4/26/13

Welcome Students to Mrs. Kolva's Homework Helpline!


Automated Accounting Will finish a test this week.  Then work on Quickbooks at their own pace.  Vocabulary for final chapter is the only homework due on Monday.

Accounting 1-  Student will complete the inclass and online assignments to the chapter that they are on.  No homework .

Week Ended 4-12-13

Kolva's Homework Helpline 4-12-13

Accounting 1- Chapter 17  special journals   student works at her own pace.  Assessment on Thursday

Classroom relocated to the library on Tuesday due to testing.

Accounting 2- Chapter 25 Inventory valuation test on Monday.  Introduced quickbooks software and work thru tutorials this week .

Week Ended 4-5-13

Accounting two will finish an assessment and start the quickbooks tutorial.

Accounting 1 will review the assessment and Start the next chapter today.  Working at their own pace.

Thanks have a nice Springy Week!