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Week ended 10-25-13

Homework Helpline week ended 10-25-13

Geo 7


Monday-              Study for Test on Five themes of Geography sheet.   Review sheet completed in class today.  Quiz on locations 25-36 of Europe tomorrow.


Tuesday-                         Quiz and test today reading of section 1 chpt 1.


Wednesday-          Students will complete any worksheets not already completed.


Thursday-            Study for quiz on Europe  37 -48 for Friday


Friday-                 Quiz on 37-48 Europe is complete.  Solar system was introduced today.   


Computer Applications 8

Keep current on the two projects each week if you miss class or do not finish the projects in class.


This week we will construct a floor plan with audio shapes for the business.  Design a bedroom design, Halloween placemat and make up day on Friday.  This will be the final makeup time of the marking period