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Week ended 3-7-14

Homework Helpline week ended 3-07-14



 Computer Apps 8


Session 5 Review of powerpoint checkup.  Turn it in for a grade.  Once you are happy with the checklist and power point get a peer review of your powerpoint and have them complete the review questions in your packet .  Insert video clip
  Introduce session 6 transitions and animation,  Demonstrate a powerpoint with capabilities to animate.  Continue with all activitites in Session 6


Continue Country Presentation Mauritania with my takes on this.   Belgium will be presented today.  Students presentation and power point to finish up country
Finish up chapter 3 with the finally of the TV documentary.Globalization is introduced with rights and responsibility   civil participation.  Interdependance.  Discuss Time reports, review and assess the digital divide.  Take National geographics select 1 and write 5 significant points about it.  There are 4
Review Game after distributing all papers and going over those that need to be discussed as an individual and a group.  Pg 107 Review and  assess.    For Thursday write an inventory of each item in your room made in another country.  Review pgs 110-111
Test on  Chapter 3 with essays on each of the countries presented.  
Introduction of National Geographics and Chapter 4 United States.  Start with Unit 2 Question about the country   Take notes for later use pg 114-117 examining cultural traits.  Maps and atlases